Web Apps
Finally Javascript in the Browser has matured to a programming environment suited for large scale maintainable software.
To keep up to date with this fast changing platform and to check newest technologies, I have developed some small games using different web technologies.
react-three-karol is the famous Learning Robot from School for the Web using mobx, typescript, antlr, react-three-fiber and React.
Falling Blocks is a clone of the famous game with the falling blocks using mobx-state-tree, typescript and React.
It evolved from a Javascript Code Retreat, where I learnt that starting with a board array to implement Tetris is not the only way.
Game of Life An experiment implementing Game of Life with React, Vue, Typescript and three different model technologies to compare their performance and expressiveness.
Open Source Plugins
Eclipse is a wonderful software development
environment platform.
For this platform I have developed some (at least for me) useful plugins.
RCP Forms is a complete framework with best practices for writing User
Interfaces in Eclipse building on SWT, JFace, UI Forms and Data Binding.
Slime UML (Slim modeling environment) is
a lightweight UML Class Diagramming plugin and the main reason this site
came to life.
Checkclipse (Checkstyle for
Eclipse) integrates the excellent and highly configurable Coding Style
Checker Checkstyle into Eclipse.
VelocityBuilder provides
an easy to use but still powerful generation facility using Velocity
Templates. Configure a Template Mapping and Eclipse
will generate stuff and keep it up-to-date whenever you change the generation
source. All the generator setup can of course easily be shared using
a team repository.
AntlrSupport integrates the
great Parser/Scanner/Treeparser generator Antlr
into Eclipse.

If you
- like these plugins, but miss one or the other feature
- are missing integration of your favorite tool into Eclipse
- urgently need some wizards or generators for your fancy-self-made hyper-mega-framework
- need a generator for your special J2EE-architecture
- need a fancy graphical or form-based editor for your EMF models
- have problems with EMF, GEF or any other Eclipse API and need expert
- want to use Eclipse as Operating system for your Internet Fridge
- just need a very experienced Project Manager, Architect, Coach or developer
don't hesitate to contact me. Well - nothing
is free in this world, but think of time and money you can save with a more
efficient software development process.